Total Lack of Accountability within the Family Separation Industry

The judiciary have to rely upon, and push the various players to perform their tasks to ensure the Family Court system caters for the society in the area it administers. Just as you would not expect a refrigerator mechanic to fix your car, even though they may be capable, the judiciary are not experts in child psychology and rely on the various services to provide that expertise to them so they can then apply the law through their judgements.

A common colloquial saying is “crap in leads to crap out” or the many variations of that expression. The 2017 parliamentary inquiry identified the many problems with social workers writing family reports that have significant influence over the final decisions however as outlined in Part 3 of “The Pinball Machine” they may get it wrong. They rarely do a forensic analysis to inform them if what they are told by the parent is correct and then boldly, some would say blindly, write a report.

  • If they got it wrong is their practice licence revoked?
  • Is there input into facts before they write their recommendations? My exposure to the system says this rarely occurs and must be challenged (at significant expense) in court.
  • While the consideration of the “Childs voice” has more recently become more prevalent, I rarely see expertise in psychological child abuse (such as in the form of Parental Alienation) and as outlined in chapter 19 of my book, which also gives the case where a social worker, implanted false memory of sexual abuse by practicing in an area they were unqualified.

What is more concerning is that after a child custody decision is reached, is there any follow up. As outlined by the former Senator John Madigan the courts do not even know how many children are impacted by their decisions let alone have a system to verify if the best interests of the children have been met as outlined on a video on my website. Feedback loops such as Six Sigma have been around for decades to help people and systems improve but are absent in the input into and the court decisions are absent that make people unaccountable.

I have enormous sympathy for the police who are called out to a domestic violence situation and simply wish to separate the warring parties, before someone is physically injured. With limited training, often provided to them by ideologically based agencies, they fail to do duel risk assessments except in a few jurisdictions around the world. Their actions have a profound impact on the people they are meant to “serve and protect” or “Uphold the right” depending the motto they use in their state, are a long way from the results their motto represents.

I have dealt with people that have been accused of holding a gun to the other parents head and naturally the police responded with Special Operations Group breaking his door down, pinned the alleged offender to the ground with guns to his head and of course, the search never found a gun as it never existed. The impact of the use of the state to perpetrate phycological trauma and coercive control needs special attention and the accountability for false reports prosecuted as a matter of standard police procedure. This level of accountability and follow through is usually rare or absent, leaving people traumatised and justice is denied.

In consumer marketing, we talk about touch points which is where a customer would interact with the system. In the Family Separation Industry every touch point, be it police, child services, legal personnel, judiciary, public servants and the government itself all seem to be unaccountable as outlined in the “The Pinball Machine, The Family Separation Industry and Parental Alienation”.


